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Reaper’s Storm postponed

The project and all its related faucets will be subsequently rebranded to “Merpasaur Studios”. This new name will be used to pursue a variety of projects rather than just Reaper’s Storm itself. 

And, in addition, Reaper’s Storm will be postponed.

The reasoning for this is because I feel as though the scope of the project is far too great for any one, two, or even three artists to handle over its lifespan. The torch would be constantly passed on, and I am not confident it would ever be released in full. All our artists would likely step down prior to the comic’s completion, leaving us in a limbo of finding new artists again and again.

With no consistency, it would become incredibly difficult to have a good, consistent artstyle that we’d be recognized by. 

Therefore, I’ve taken it upon myself to become Reaper’s Storm’s primary artist. I will learn the craft over the next few years and study hard to become the best artist I can be, and then (and only then) will Reaper’s Storm be continued – this time with me at the helm as its artist.

In the meantime, minor projects will be released to build my skills, and the reception of those projects will dictate how I go from there. I really look forward to making new things with you all :>

Especially things that I can feasibly finish in a shorter time!

This is not goodbye, but a shift in gears and a fundamental change in how we approach things. I hope to see you all when the comic begins development again :>

Remember, a Firebird doesn’t give up. They rise from the ashes and come back stronger.

Much love <3

Artist Resigns; Hiring New Comic Artist

In regards to the prior update, things are a little more official now, so I’ll clarify:

Our comic artist has resigned from their position, and we’re currently looking to fill the position.

You can check out the Newgrounds post here:

Here’s a video regarding the situation to make it easier to understand:

Newest chapter has been released!

After a rather long wait, I’m happy to announce that the latest chapter is now out! “Unto Outer Wilds” shows a bit more insight into Daisy’s thoughts in the days coming up to the mission, as well as a mysterious new character and some insight into the outside world. I’m really happy with how this one came out!

It’s also the first chapter that uses the new speech bubble system and font that will become standard going forward.

Tell me what you all think! Much love! <3

Website updates!

Hey all! Just finished updating the website to include a Data Log section, as well as a Story Recap section! I’m currently working with an artist to get a characters section, too, but that will come with time.

I’ve also updated the look of the website a tad bit, as well as made navigation a smidgen easier! And I do mean a smidgen; you likely won’t notice lol

All that said, we’re currently working on the next chapter for the comic, and we hope to have it to you by the end of this month!

I’ll be sure to let you all know about anything that comes up. Until then, much love!