Inmortui Flathead

Designation: “Flathead”

Danger Class: Periculum

Birthing Method: Brood


Flatheads are an inmortui variant measuring roughly 7 meters tall, 4 meters wide, and 10 meters long. All flatheads have a large, flattened head made up of a hardened material capable of withstanding moderate gunfire. There are several holes in their head of varying size that contain a viscous slime referred to as “F5”. F5 is pitch-black with countless white grains that give off a faint white glow. F5 is highly flammable, suggesting it contains the flathead’s own vital essence.

Their body is made from a weaker material, consisting of expected inmortui flesh standards. It typically consists of a long torso with its skin shrink wrapped around a clearly-defined spine leading into a long tail that connects the flathead to its hive. They sport sharp, spear-like appendages on their front legs and flattened, hoof-like appendages on their back legs.


Flatheads spend most (if not all) of their lives connected to their hive, with their entire body obscured by the recesses of the nest except for their head. It’s unknown if the flathead grows its head based on the size of the hole it grows in, or if the nest itself compensates. Flatheads act as a broodmother for viles, constantly producing and secreting them through the holes in their face. An undisturbed flathead will spend their entire life like this.

However, once a nest is disturbed, flatheads will detach their tails from the nest and emerge to defend it. Once detached, flatheads are capable of producing 30-50 viles on their own before becoming sterile. It’s unknown if a detached flathead can re-attach with its nest.
An enraged flathead is dangerous due to its large size. However, flatheads have no unique combat capabilities that other inmortui do not have. Flatheads have no SIV immunities.