Swarmers are very common, being second only to viles. A swarmer’s size depends largely on the size of the entity it assimilated, but typically measure around 2 meters tall if their host was human. Their body remains of similar shape as its host, consisting of expected inmortui flesh standards. One of the defining features of a swarmer is their unnatural smile; it is currently unknown why such a trait is so well-defined in all swarmers.
Swarmers are only seen in areas populated (or previously populated) by non-inmortui lifeforms, and are never seen in nests. Being one of the weakest inmortui variants, they’re rarely seen in any large inmortui congregations. Instead, swarmers will wander aimlessly until they find a new host. Then, they will scream, alerting nearby swarmers. Finally, they will attack.
Inmortui are unnaturally strong given their miniscule muscle mass, capable of bending iron and breaking bones. Their jaw in particular has impossible power behind it, allowing them to bite through their target’s bones to subdue them.
Once a target is subdued, they will begin assimilation.
It is important to note that non-human swarmers are rarely functional, and those that are are typically weak in combat. As a result, most swarmers seen in combat are human in origin.
Swarmers are only dangerous to an ill-prepared individual on their own, but can overwhelm most defenses in numbers. However, swarmers have no unique combat capabilities that other inmortui do not have. Swarmers have no SIV immunities.