Inmortui Vile

Designation: “Vile”

Danger Class: Dretching

Birthing Method: Brood


Viles are the most common inmortui variant, measuring roughly 0.5 meters wide, 0.5 meters long, and 0.3 meters tall. Their body is spherical, consisting of expected inmortui flesh standards. The body has several glowing white spots covering the surface, with similar look and behavior to those seen on nesting pods in inmortui nests. Sprouting from the body are 4 spider-like legs (~0.2 meters). The front legs have 3 segments (while the back have 5) and a rougher, bone-like consistency, ending in razor-sharp appendages. On their back is a single, tentacle-like tail (~0.3 meters) with high articulative capabilities. The vile’s resting pose is at a slight downwards angle, as if about to pounce.


Viles can be seen just about anywhere that inmortui have a presence. They usually stay in packs, but sometimes wander off on their own in rare cases. However, viles only stay around areas with an established inmortui presence, and are most commonly seen protecting vile nests.

Viles are incredibly fast and aggressive. When they spot a suitable target, they will launch themselves at the target’s body. On contact, they anchor themselves into the target’s flesh with their legs, then begin the assimilation process. 

Viles are particularly dangerous due to their small size, vast numbers, and remarkable speed. However, viles have no unique combat capabilities that other inmortui do not have. Viles have no SIV immunities.Viles have no SIV immunities.